Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm Getting Closer to My Home

Dave Matthews in AC to say goodbye to me
I suppose you could say today - Tuesday June 28th - marks the first real day of our new residency in the Crystal City section of Arlington, Virginia.  While it's true my wife Judy and I began renting our apartment the Thursday before Memorial Day, we had to return to our former city of  Bridgeton, New Jersey to have settlement on our home and for me to finish my teaching career at the local high school. Those two-plus weeks were followed by a final week at the Jersey shore including a 3-day visit to the Dave Matthews Band Caravan in Atlantic City.

So that all leads to my claim that our wakeup today should be considered the real start of our new life of retirement in the DC area.

And three events today certainly emphasized that point.  First, I received my Arlington County library card in the mail. Secondly, I subscribed to The Washington Post from a phone solicitor. Finally, on our walk tonight we spied the Washington Monument across the Potomac. And while our walks in Bridgeton were nice, we never saw anything like that there..

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