Thursday, March 15, 2012

Picturing Frida Kahlo

When you think of Frida Kahlo and pictures, you probably think paintings, not photographs. But over the years Kahlo collected more than 6,500 personal photographs, 240 of which are on display at the Frida Kahlo Her Photos: The Celebrated Artist's Life Revealed Through Personal Photographs at the Artisphere in Rossyln.

The exhibit is divided into 6 sections or rooms. They are
  1. The Origins (young Kahlo and her family)
  2. The Blue House (the home where Kahlo was born, lived, and died)
  3. The Broken Body (images of Kahlo's recovery from the tram accident that almost killed her)
  4. Loves (friendships and deeper relationships)
  5. The Photography (influences on her work)
  6. Diego's Eyes (images presumed to have been shot by her husband Diego Rivera)
The Rossyln exhibition marks the only United States showing this year of the collection, curated by Mexican photographer Ortiz Monasterio. Kahlo and Her Photos will close March 25.

Tales, Tidbits, and  Tips
We viewed the Kahlo exhibit immediately on our return from a 3-day New York City trip. The Vamoose bus which we had used for transport dropped us off just a block from the Artisphere. The Kahlo exhibition provided a nice artistic closing for our journey since we had viewed the murals of her husband Diego Rivera at the Musuem of Modern Art (MoMA) as part of our NYC stay. You can check out details about Rivera and our NYC trip by clicking here.

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