Saturday, August 30, 2014

Was DC Really Built on a Swamp?

Each week in our Saturday Supplement we re-post an entry of interest to both residents of the Washington area and visitors to DC that first appeared in another publication's web site.

There’s a story that D.C. residents like to tell young interns whenever the summer weather gets particularly hot or sticky or unbearable.
The city, they say, was built atop a swamp, its location selected by George Washington. Washington wanted to be close to his  beloved Mount Vernon home (about 15 miles away). He cared little about D.C.’s heat index, the intense humidity, the never-ending heat waves.
It’s a great story, like the one about our first president chopping down a cherry tree.
But it isn’t true. At least, it’s not true enough to warrant its prevalence.
To continue reading this post, which 1st appeared in The Washington Post, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Why would any clear thinking human being believe a damn thing written by the Post? That's hilarious!
