Sunday, September 21, 2014

What Happens to a Smithsonian Temporary Exhibit After Its Display Time Is Over?

DC's Smithsonian museums (there are 17 of them here in the city) are among America's most visited and treasured places. But the Smithsonian also publishes a series of some of the most interesting, fact-filled blogs appearing anywhere on the internet. Each Sunday, The Prices Do DC re-posts an entry either about the Smithsonian or that 1st appeared in 1 of the institution's blogs. Hope you enjoy and maybe we'll see you soon at the Smithsonian.

Have you ever wondered about the afterlife of a temporary exhibition? What happens when the display case is opened back up and the objects that spent months nestled together start the next phase of their museum life?
The exhibition I'm talking about in particular is a "History Highlights" exhibit which went on display on June 1, 2012, marking the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts of the USA, and was taken down in April 2014.
To continue reading this post, which 1st appeared in the American History Museum's blog Oh Say CanYou See, click here.

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